IGCSE Tuition

IGCSE Tuition


Baccalaureate Academy

Baccalaureate Academy offers 24/7 live individual online IGCSE tuition through zoom, google meet and skype that is easily accessible through any smart phone, laptop or tablet. The students can opt for live demo classes before deciding to proceed further or not. The students can opt for scheduled IGCSE tuition classes according to their preferred convenience. In fact, Files containing images and recorded videos of live sessions of IGCSE tuition are made accessible to students in case they have missed the class or wish to revise an important point before exams.

Science Laboratory

With consistent transformation in Indian Education System since the last decade, the possibility of career fields has also seen a steady growth. Today, students who look out for different career opportunities in science, the stream that has been the conventional subject that defines promising and secure career choices of Indian students, are shifting from the traditional education curriculum to International Curriculums which has gained momentum of late. IB (International Baccalaureate) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). IGCSE is a two-year programme prompting apparent set, marked and certified examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who studies an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification acknowledged worldwide. India has over 400 schools affiliated IGCSE model of education while Maharashtra having the highest number of 196 schools in the country.

Some renowned IGCSE schools in India are Indus International School (Bengaluru) Dhirubhai, Ambani International School (Mumbai), Kodaikanal International School (Ooty), Oberoi International School (Mumbai),The International School Bangalore [TISB] (Bengaluru) besides others.

Learn any IGCSE subject at Baccalaureate Academy

Students studying in schools affiliated to IB and IGCSE, are always in search of additional assistance apart from regular school classes which since last year has gone online owing to Lockdown driven by pandemic outbreak. Therefore, students who are finding it difficult to pick up any critical topic of subjects from science stream i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or even English, Economics etc. are welcomed to opt for exclusive IGCSE tuition at Baccalaureate Academy now offered online in all major cities of India. We have a wide faculty of specialised IGCSE tutors who excel in major subjects taught at IGCSE schools universally.

Baccalaureate Academy simplifies complexities faced by IGCSE students


Baccalaureate Academy takes pride in our highly experienced faculty of tutors offering IGCSE tuition, who are carefully selected after a diligent process of selection focussing on their education level, specialization in the subject, experience in IGCSE syllabus, proficiency in using digital teaching methods, background and behaviour. Our accomplished faculty of IGCSE tutors are thorough with every crucial concept, theory, formulae, law, definition and any other aspect of a particular topic relevant to the specified subject.

Our expert faculty of IGCSE tutors use interactive teaching methods rather than the tedious chalk and board method used at most schools. Our highly efficient faculty of IGCSE tutors use digitalised audio-visual images, animated videos, slide shows etc. to explain every fundamental concept and complex theory easily, to make the class an interesting one where the aspiring student is encouraged to express their ideas and opinions more relevant to the topic.

Our skilled faculty of IGCSE tutors encourage practical learning experience among every student especially in core Science subjects like Physics and Chemistry so that he/she develops an interest in the subject and gets their concepts clearer and boosts their observation skills, plus it remains in their memory for a long time and can easily recall it at the time of their respective exam. Besides, we provide customized study materials to every student at our IGCSE tuition which are set thoroughly by our tutors and are not available in the market. The study materials include revisionary notes, solved model test papers etc.

Our dedicated faculty of tutors at IGCSE tuition take surprise periodical tests after covering up every crucial topic and provide assignments simultaneously. The questions in the tests are prepared according to the pattern of previous years question papers, and the scores gained by students in all tests highlight their status of progress, monitored strictly by our tutors and shared as feedback to the respective parents. The tutors at our institution provide key tips and tricks to students that have proven useful in boosting their problem-solving skills while calculating complex numerical quickly thus saving time.