IB Arts and Sports Program

IB Program is split up into two parts: Primary year program (PYP) for the students aged 3 to 12 and then there is a Middle year program (MYP) which is for the students aged 13 to 17.

Technically it’s permitted for students, if he/she wants to join the MYP later in their life, regardless of the Educational Board where they come from. But this change might turn out to be an uneven ride because:

1. IB programs is laborious compared to other board programs since they extend to a broad variety of subject matter which are not generally included in CBSE or other board schools. So, a student coming from a CBSE background often found these programs to be more difficult as they must put in a plenty of endeavors to handle with them.

2. The method of teaching that IB utilizes for their students is way different from the methods used in other board programs. Generally, it has been seen that CBSE students are persistant to stuff their syllabus, which is the definite opposite of what IB school students are used to.

But these shortcomings can easily be conquered by registering your child in a PYP program as early as possible.

Subjects in the Primary Years Program (PYP) are:

1. Language
2. Social Studies
3. Mathematics
4. Science and Technology
5. Arts
6. Personal, Social and Physical education

The IB Diploma is most successful a “university preparation program”, in that it teaches you skills and methods of learning that will prepare you to perform better at a tertiary education level.

After two years of practice, it’s fair to say that you will have grasped basic skills such as university style report and essay writing, source commending, and how to run self-supporting research.

So when you get to university and your first assignment is a 4,000-word research report complete with academic references, this won’t come as a shock because you’ve been there, done that in the Extended Essay (EE) component of the IB.

While other students are looking up for reference guides and working out how to form such a long essay, you’ll be on your body paragraph, keeping up with source excerpt as you go.

More in general, you’ll be an expert at time management and self-study.

The IB’s heavy assigned work stresses you to get into good learning habits and work on ways to better manage your time, and these are necessarily key skills for university, where you’ll be in charge of your own learning.

Many students begin university being in a difficult situation and have a hard time getting habituated to the great leap, but not IB students! IB subjects specially the higher level ones) are equal with first year university content, which will also make your change simpler.

In the IB, you are not approved on your potential to remember facts and theories (which could be said for other curriculums), but rather your capability to interpret how facts are introduced and how theories are applied.

Not only this, but you will have learned how to think in depth. That is, how to perceive things from other prospect and not to cloud judgment with predetermined ideas and faiths. The philosophy-based component of the course, Theory of Knowledge (TOK), will train you to think outside the box and evolve a probing mind.

This elaborate thinking is compulsory for university, where you’ll be wide open to many distinct concepts, opinions, and people.

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