Successful Exam Preparation

A take on familiar Note-Taking

Through keen observation, students tend to have different tactics when it comes to writing notes. Some will copy everything they hear and see in class. Others will write only the facts and prefer to take the rest of the details on their own.

In fact, there is no one flawless way to conduct note-taking. Rather, different note-taking techniques suit different learning styles and our online and offline tutors at Baccalaureate academy know this very well.

Tutors at Baccalaureate Academy understands the importance of note-taking and assesses every student on what kind of learner he/she is based on the frequent tests taken by them.

There are 4 types of learning styles can be found in students:

  • Visual
  • Physical or kinesthetic learners
  • Auditory learners
  • Learners who are good at reading and writing

Check out the tips I have below and see which note-taking technique best fits your style.

Visual Learner

What is a Visual Learner?

A visual learner can examine the information when they see data before their eyes. The information could come from a picture, color, diagram or maps.
Visual learners also have great memory to recollect and organize information to get the right facts.

Note-taking method that fits this type of learner

An effective way to take notes if you are a visual learner is by using pictures, colors or diagrams to support the notes. These learners can use color-coded notes to arrange their notes better and remember them easily.

Another great plan is to use for these learners is with the help of a mind map.

Through this method, learners can match information with ideas and find ways to make it understandable. Your map can be in the form of doodles, shapes and colors to help you recollect information faster.

  • Begin with the key idea and write it in the centre of the page
  • Write the branches for each major idea or theme
  • Designs sub-branches and use key images or keywords to explain them

Additional Tip: Use colors to organize your notes. It could be using a post-it, highlighters or color pens. Just ensure to list a guide to not to get confused about which colors go where.

Auditory Learners

These kind of learner learns faster when they get the information verbally. They can follow instructions even if it is given on verbal terms and explain them. They can also solve problems by communicating directly with others.

Which note-taking method fit this kind of learners?

A great note-taking strategy for this kind of learner will aid them to listen and recollect the information given.

If it is possible, ask your teacher if you can record the class with your phone or recorder. This will help you to focus & hear during the lectures and when you study, you can use the recorded audio to listen to it again.

Auditory learners will also gain by reading the facts loudly then recording it.

Using this method will help you record your thoughts as you explain each point vocally. Afterwards, listen to your recording wherever you go.

If a student cannot record him or his lectures, you can hear to the information and write it. This will help you gather information faster, examine it and write down the important points that have to be remembered.

Additional tip: Sometimes, playing some music as you read texts can help greatly. While some may say music can just distract you. However, it can reduce noise and help your mind to concentrate on your task. Classical music is preferred when you do use music to listen while you study.

Kinesthetic Learners

This type of learner learns and understands concepts while doing or moving. They can examine new information by applying them. They are also great in analyzing gestures and another person’s body language. They can also reiterate actions after they do it one time. They are also able to see the ‘bigger picture.’

Which note-taking method fits this kind of learner?

Having an opportunity to involve oneself or move is a great way for tactile learners to take notes. They can also write their notes on note cards and flashcards.

Once you have done your review, you should take an active break while you write your notes or release some of that repressed energy from sitting down and reading.

Here are some of the things you can do to help your mind concentrate:

  • Use a squishy toy and squeeze it as you read
  • Chew gum or nibble on a snack
  • Walk for a bit
  • Tap your foot

You can also type your notes on your computer or any other gadget. When you type, your hands are busy and you move a lot more. You will then be able to focus on what you are typing and still keep busy.

Additional tip: While you work on flashcards, assign various actions so you can recall what is in the card. You can also sort the cards in a pile and separated into two: the ones you can understand the most and the ones that need more review.

Read/Write Learners

This kind of learner learns efficiently when they read. They also love to mark notes and read what is written to get the information and analyze them.

They are learners competent of listing down information and remember it as they write it down. They also share information through their notes.

What note-taking techniques fit this kind of learner?

Since these learners love to take notes for information and arrange each fact in headers, the best note-taking technique they can do is use sentences for their notes.

Here are some of the rules of sentence methods you can do to help your mind concentrate:

  • Write the key information in a complete sentence
  • Arrange your information in headings
  • Write only the key information so you can stay steady with your lecture

Additional tip: Use the margins or borders of your handouts and make notes. This will help you review facts easily.

To produce the best study notes, you need to know what learning style works best for you. Our Private tutors at baccalaureate academy empower you to know your inner potential and learning personality and when you know this, you will be able to develop new ways to enhance the way you do your notes and get a progress in your grades.

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