People often ask our Baccalaureate academy tutors how some students achieve a 42 IB diploma score, and having answered that question many times now, sometimes it is difficult to convince people that they don’t have to do anything special or extra than what most students did through their IB journey. With examinations being just around the corner, here are 4 tips for IB students putting their knowledge and skills to their best efforts in a few weeks.

1. Plan a schedule and be organized

According to any performing IB students the most important skill they’ve learnt throughout their journey will be to how to remain organized. Being organized helps you see things clearly and put everything into perspective, and enable you to meet deadlines effectively. Now that you have excelled this skill after submitting your internal assessments and essays, you should apply it to your exams schedule.

Plan a schedule that would segregate each subject with its necessary quantity of time, not every subject follows the similar preparation, so our faculty of specialized IB tutors in our academy will guide the aspiring students to concentrate on specific subjects that consume larger part of the time in their schedule. Some people like to begin preparing for the subjects who falls first in their IB exam schedule, others like to begin preparing for the exams they have at the end of their exam schedule thus finishing off quickly with the ones they have at the beginning, so our specialized faculty of IB teachers in Delhi NCR would detect which type you are and guide you to apply it following the schedule so that you won’t have to change your routine frequently.


2. Apply the knowledge, PRACTISE

Certainly it is not the time for you to study on every topic of each subject! Trust yourself on the learned topics that you have learned several times enough, for you to do a quick review covering all topics of the subjects and focusing only on the topics which you find yourself weak in. If students tend to finish their Mock exams and solved previous year question papers already, then take the feedback from results and see which areas they still need to improve thus concentrate on those.

Devote more time to solve exam papers, utilize the Question bank and make sure to solve every paper as if they are solving it in your actual external exam, with time constraint and resources allowed to take in for that exam, like the subject guide or a calculator. Practicing solving exams makes a student more familiar with the format of questions, especially that the IB exam pattern is usually the same, and makes one faster in solving which ensures that they have efficient time management skills required to finish a paper within a limited period of time.


3. Manage your time effectively, in and out of exams

Before exams, ensure to schedule small breaks in between your study blocks, as a student’s mind cannot focus for a longer period of time and you need to relax and cleanse your mind every couple of hours by breathing and meditation exercises, to focus again and recall information. Set a time limit for your break, a ten-minute break every 90 minutes or 2 hours is effective and more than enough. Use it to do something that will rejuvenate you without making you delay or waste your time, like exercising or a short walk, as you should go back to studying directly after your break without any excuses to putting studying off or thinking of left over portions of study.

During exams, it is also compulsory to try to relax the night before your exam; you might do a quick review or solve some questions, but ensure that students get enough sleep the night before, and that you have a good breakfast before you leave for your exam the next morning, as this will help you in focusing on it completely.


4. Prevent wasting time on social media while studying

It’s not to be emphasized enough how important it is to turn off your mobile phone, the TV, and any social networks that will distract you while studying. One might think that it won’t harm replying quickly to a WhatsApp group chat or checking your Instagram/Facebook account, but this will only lead you to waste hours that you could spend on effective non-distracted learning.

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