Online IB Tutoring

The Pros of Online IB Tutoring, Revealed!

While few researchers claim that collaborative learning takes a backseat on online learning platforms, there are online instructors and tutors who have aced the art of delivering experiential lessons virtually. We, at Baccalaureate Academy, pride ourselves on training our...

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SAT/ACT Exam Preparation

SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

Do Better SAT Prep with Us Every student comes into the SAT/ACT with greatly different abilities across many different skills. Unfortunately, most prep programs ignore each student’s distinct learning needs. Classes give the same lectures and questions to every...

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Tuition Fees Information

Tips to reduce excessive Tuition Fees

There are lots of different ways you might be able to save money on your tuition lessons, such as: Switching from in-person tuition to remote lessons Having group tuition workshops rather than one on one lessons Having shorter lessons,...

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